Chiastolite Tumble Stone A+ Set of 1 to 10 - Grounding and Protective StonesChiastolite Tumble Stone A+ Set of 1 to 10 - Grounding and


The Chiastolite Tumble Stone A+ is a set of 1 to 10 beautifully polished stones known for
their grounding and protective properties.
Each stone is marked with unique cross-like patterns, symbolizing balance and harmony.
These stones are perfect for meditation, energy work, or simply as decorative pieces.The Chiastolite Tumble Stone A+ is a set of 1 to 10 beautifully polished stones known for
their grounding and protective properties.
Each stone is marked with unique cross-like patterns, symbolizing balance and harmony.
These stones are perfect for meditation, energy work, or simply as decorative pieces.

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