500g Howlite


Stones are between 15-30mm.
500g pack of polished Tumbled Stones.
:This brilliant stone resonates with your third eye Chakra / Pineal gland
which is your mind eye your creative side,intuitive nature this stone
is beneficial for bringing harmony to the zodiac sign Gemini.
beneficial specifically for: Turbulent emotions, Rage, patience, Selfishness,
memory, insomnia, calcium levels, teeth, bone and soft tissue.
To finalize your knowledge on this sacred stone favored by the ancients.
Howlite encourages you to set aside he personality mask you don to
face the world, allowing you to be true to yourself and your inner knowing.
This stone opens attunement and prepares the mind to receive wisdom.
Aiding journeys out of the body and accessing past lives, focusing you eyes
into howlite transports you to another time or dimension. on the third eye,
it opens memories of other lives, including those in the in between-life state.
A piece placed in the pocket absorbs your own anger and any that is directed
towards you. Howlite formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material,
and assists in achieving them, and facilitates calm and reasoned communication.

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